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Ring of Combat 32
ROC Lightweight Title
Rich Moskowitz (117-828) vs. John Cholish (105-331) Ref Peterson
Moskowitz 155.8.    Cholish 156
Cholish wins at 3:05 of round three due to reverse triangle.
Munah Holland (113-946) vs. Kim Couture (102-774) Ref Peterson
Holland 134.4.     Couture. 135
Holland wins unanimous decision three rounds, all three judges 30-27.
Couture suspended indefinite pending CT of facial bones and ENT clearance upon review.
Constantinos Phillipou (103-590) vs. Marcus Finch (106-617) Ref MacDonaldÂ
Phil ...
ROC Lightweight Title
Rich Moskowitz (117-828) vs. John Cholish (105-331) Ref Peterson
Moskowitz 155.8.    Cholish 156
Cholish wins at 3:05 of round three due to reverse triangle.
Munah Holland (113-946) vs. Kim Couture (102-774) Ref Peterson
Holland 134.4.     Couture. 135
Holland wins unanimous decision three rounds, all three judges 30-27.
Couture suspended indefinite pending CT of facial bones and ENT clearance upon review.
Constantinos Phillipou (103-590) vs. Marcus Finch (106-617) Ref MacDonaldÂ
Phillipou. 194.6.  Finch. 191.8
This bout is ruled a no contest at 2:47 of round two after Finch is ruled unable to continue due to second accidental illegal groin strike foul.
Finch suspended indefinite pending scrotal ultrasound.
Randy Smith (104-499) vs. Brendan Barrett (101-050) Ref MacDonald
Smith.  250.2.   Barrett. 234.6
This bout is declared a split draw after three rounds 29-29 Sinclair, 29-28 Bilyk for Barrett and 29-28 Urso for Smith.
Andrew Riddles (101-072) vs. Mitch Whitesel (101-531) Riddles. 199.6 Fight Cancelled
Melissa Bopp (108-818) vs. Ashley Nee (109-944) Ref Peterson
Bopp. 135.   Nee.  135.2
Bopp wins unanimous decision three rounds, all three judges 30-27.
Claudio Ledesma (103-287) vs. Michael Murray (106-839) Ref Peterson Both fighters 136 Ledesma wins unanimous decision three rounds, 29-28, 29-28 and 30-27 Urso.
Evan Chmielski (103-582) vs. Liam Kerrigan (101-642) Ref Peterson
Chmielski. 150.8  Kerrigan 155.2
Judge Bilyk replaced by Vincent Dudley for this bout.
Kerrigan wins via triangle at 1:51 of round one.
Giedrius Karavackus (112-203) vs. Chris Connor (102-756) Ref MacDonaldÂ
Karavackus. 169.  Connor. 170.6
Karavackus wins via armbar at 2:46 of round three.
Connor suspended 30 days for head strikes.
Joshua Key (105-945) vs. Erik Oganov (103-676) Ref MacDonaldÂ
Key. 170.8.   Oganov.  170.4
This bout is ruled a no contest.
Key ruled unable to continue at 1:01 of round one after referee ruled accidental foul for Oganov\'s illegal strikes to back of head.
Key suspended 30 days due to head strike.
Marc Berrocal (105-912) vs. Robert Conner (107-038) Ref MacDonaldÂ
Berrocal. 184.8.  Conner.  176
Conner wins at 2:10 of round one via rear naked choke.
George Sheppard (107-037) vs. Tim Troxell (103-576)
Ref MacDonaldÂ
Sheppard. 155.8.  Troxell. 156
Sheppard wins via TKO referee stoppage at 2:33 of round one.
Troxell suspended 30 days for TKO.
Troxell suspended indefinite pending opthalmological clearance.